"I just decided to go for it!"
Elise is smily, fun and is rocking it in the entrepreneur world! She runs her own copy writing business from home and its going from strength to strength! Elise has struggled with mental health problems since the age of 15, including depression and OCD, which caused her to lose friends and relationships as people found her illnesses hard to deal with.
Having realised that life, as it stood, wasn't helping her health, including working a 'regular' job, Elise took the huge step to leave her job, not having another way of supporting herself or knowing how she was going to pay her mortgage(!) and decided to pursue her dream of owning her own business. She started therapy for her OCD and now feels so much better.
Elise now knows that anything is possible and is so much more positive and happy since she began working for herself. Having recently secured a new writing contact for her business, it's clear things are on the up and the business is going from strength to strength!
Taking part in 30 Days of FIERCE, Elise is showing off how, even through the struggles and adversity, where she used to feel like giving up, you can be a powerful strong, amazing woman, running your own business and helping it to grow and grow!